Funding the Tribunal

In 2015 Pope Francis asked the world’s bishops’ conferences to see if they could arrange matters so that tribunals did not have to charge fees so “that the Church, showing herself a generous mother to the faithful, might manifest, in a matter so intimately tied to the salvation of souls, the gratuitous love of Christ by which we have all been saved”.

Responding generously to this call, the Bishops of Scotland agreed to abolish all fees at our Tribunal and decided that all the costs would be met from the ordinary income of the Bishops’ Conference (which means, ultimately, the collection plates of Scottish parishes).

There are therefore no charges levied by the Tribunal – our services are entirely free. No-one should feel unable to approach us out of fear that it might cost too much.

Some people do wish to make a donation at the end of the process as a contribution to our costs, and we are grateful for any donations made. You can send a cheque or contact us for our bank details for electronic payments.  

[There may still be some minor costs for Petitioners – e.g. we need copies of your marriage and divorce certificates, and if you don’t have the originals you’ll need to order fresh copies from the Registry Office, who will charge you – but these are outwith our control, and the fees are quite low (currently £15 per copy)].

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